Company Information

Company Outline

Company Name SUGIMOTO & CO., LTD
Headquarters Location and
Sales Departments
5-7-27 Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-8502, Japan Tel: +81-6-6538-2661/Fax: +81-6-6538-2692
■Sales Departments
East Sales Dept., West Sales Dept., First Direct Sales, West, Dept., First Direct Sales, East, Dept., Second Direct Sales Dept., Third Direct Sales Dept.
Representative Representative Director and President Executive Officer Masayuki Sugimoto
Distribution Centers Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka (three locations)
Number of Offices 49 offices in major cities in Japan
Foundation February 3, 1921
Incorporation January 10, 1938
Capital 2,597,400,000 yen
Description of Business Domestic sales and export and import of machinery, apparatus, etc.
Lines of Business Machinery and apparatus, measuring instruments, tester cutting tools, machine tools
Pneumatic tools, hydraulic/pneumatic equipment
Electric tools, power transmission parts, work tools, pipework equipment, OA equipment
Number of Employees 505 (as of the end of March 2024)
Related Company SUGIMOTO CO., LTD

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